Sounds like you are getting good care through the process. I have been happy with my clinician/prescriber, we started on elvanse 30mg, first couple days was like putting glasses on...then by 2pm I was ready to sleep anywhere! I asked to try methylphenidate, so he got me week by week up to 20mg 3xdaily, I prefer this medication...thankfully as elvanse was then the one that seemed hard to get. So I think I’m as stable as il get regarding the crazy hormonal shifts, I also still feel kinda just like me...just with a quieter clearer mind, that can process one thought at a time 🙌 who knew eh!!

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Hi Susan, I'm currently undiagnosed and on the looooong NHS waiting list for an assessment. God only knows when that will come through 🫣😬. I had a BPD diagnosis last October, apparently the two can co-occur. I'm wondering now if I was misdiagnosed, but the only way to know is by getting the adhd assessment. I guess I shall just have to wait. I've waited decades so I guess a couple years won't hurt 🤯😳

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I'm so glad the medication is working for you. I am on Adderall (IR, 10 mg twice a day) and everything I heard about it - not being able to sleep, being emotionless, not creative, etc - has been the opposite for me. Most of the time I sleep just fine because my brain isn't racing. I am less emotional but I still have emotions. I just don't feel EVERYTHING all at once. Creatively I'm in the best place I've been at in years. Other than sometimes waking up too early and not being able to fall back asleep, I've had very few side effects.

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Wow, the care you're getting in your titration is incredible. My experience hasn't been like that.... "Go away, take these, come back in a month or so".... Then the appointments get further apart, and to reorder you have to remember to telephone them between 2 and 3pm only 🤣🤦 if I could keep that sort of thing in my head I probably wouldn't need the damn meds!

Great update, I look forward to seeing more of your journey

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Have to admit I'm a little envious of your incredibly sensible and careful titration experience. Mine was handled really badly (recklessly) and I had terrible side effects so gave up.😞

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