Recently I was tidying the space where I write, for two reasons. One because it needed it after a year of renovations; I’m reclaiming back the room. And two, I needed photos for this piece on Story & Thread.
During this tidying session, I came across some of my sketchbooks from college. I went to Stockport College and did an Advanced GNVQ in Art & Design. In those days, this was worth four A-levels, and it meant you also didn’t need to do an Art Foundation course before being able to do Art at university.
I had one of the best times of my life during those two years, aged 17-19. The old red bricked building was my home from home and all the tutors were creative adults, one of the first times I’d been in an environment so specific to what I loved.
It’s fair to say I thrived there. I was creating constantly. My work was so good, pieces would get stolen. To this day, I don’t know why someone would do this. These were large pieces, enormous light fittings, mannequins and canvases. None of which you could easily walk out of the building with under your coat.
At least I still have my sketchbooks.
Do you still have any of the work from your school, college, or university?
Click on the images to have a closer look.
Loved seeing your art school sketchbooks, Susan. Especially the weird metallic pinecone. I feel that it should appear in a story by you!
Love this, but why wiuld anyone steal large artwork?! I think we need a photo of you circa this era!