We are also doing renovations and it is such a strange feeling. Being creative most definitely helps lessen the bizarre feeling of the in between when it comes to home life. We have painters coming soon and I work from home, luckily I have my own private office where I can tuck away and tune out the work.

Wishing you the best experience on your next creative endeavor! ❤️

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Completly get that. Its great that your new place has a private spot for you!

Its holding it all the house stuff in my head - the writing gives me a release valve!

Thank you.

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Yes, writing is an anchor. We're in between houses, deciding whether to move to a new town, and it's been more destabilizing than I expected. Thanks for the reminder of the Yeats poem!

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It's a good one isn't it!

Good luck with your decision making.

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Congratulations--that’s a lot of accomplishing. Brava!

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Thank you! They've kept me going.

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Well done on meeting all those deadlines, Susan!

Yes, it's a real puzzler, this business of structure and imposing it on oneself. I am one of those over-organised people who has a list of 'to dos' (sometimes the list even includes 'write a to-do list'!) but I also know that actual creative writing has to be done in a space free from constraint of any kind. It's getting the balance between pushing and allowing that is the key, I suppose.

And one's house is almost the same as one's head, so no wonder you are suffering from the disruption. This, too, will end!

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I love that you said our homes are like our heads. That's exactly what it feels like.

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Very excited that we're getting closer to welcoming your new novel into the world!

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Thanks Andrew!

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